Monday, July 7, 2008

The Cool Hemp Ponchette and Learning to Take Better Pictures

After I posted the picture of my Cool Hemp Ponchette, I found this comment,

“I really like this one, Mom!”

So, of course, it was hers. But before she was allowed to take it home, I needed a picture of her modeling the ponchette. So here it is. This picture is better than the one I posted earlier and not just because the model is 33 years younger than her mother!

Nor can the difference be attributed to the skill of the photographer. Both were taken by my husband, a professional videographer who knows how to take good pictures.

The white tee shirt I wore in the earlier picture was not a good idea. Despite having been repeatedly told not to wear white in photographs, I thought I needed contrast to show the stitch definition and I didn't think the white would be too harsh under the ponchette. I was wrong. The stitch definition is clear in the pictures of my daughter while the color of the tee shirt she happened to have on is neither jarring nor unattractive.

I've decided to spend some time learning to take better pictures of my work and hopefully you'll see improvements in those I post. I’ll share the lessons as I learn them.

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