Sunday, November 30, 2008

Another Hat!

My resolution to knit all my leftover yarn into hats to be given to charity at Christmas is not going to be completed this year. I'm afraid this will have to go on the list of resolutions for 2009!

Here's another hat in Plymouth Tweed and I still have enough of that yarn for one more! I love this yarn but I want it gone!

This hat is from the Maniacal Thrower. The pattern for her Slouchy Copy Cat Hat is clearly written, easy to follow and fun to knit. The mock cable rib provides a little diversion for the knitter and interest to the hat! I was pretty pleased with myself when I was done and now I'm wondering how I can use this stitch pattern in one of the sweaters I have planned.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

It's a beautiful hat!