Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Basics Basics Basics - On to Lesson 2


Like most knitters I had done many knit-two-togethers and slip- slip-knits. But I had never really studied them. I’d never asked myself what makes ssk the closest mirror image of k2tog. Nor had I really thought much about what made a decrease full fashioned. I just followed the pattern, using the decrease the pattern directed for the left and for the right . I never really thought about why. I had used several of the alternate decreases when that was what a pattern called for but I hadn’t examined whether I thought they worked as well opposite k2tog. This was Lesson 2.

Again, I fussed about tension. In her comments, Arenda suggested I worry less! But she did point out that my left slanting decreases stretched. She suggested knitting decreases on the tips of my needles. Her commend made me realized how much I had been manhandling my yarn, oblivious to how I was stretching the stitches, and this affected their appearance. This insight was a big step to significant improvement in my knitting!

Finally, perhaps because I have been knitting lace recently, my lace swatch was the best of my swatches!

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