Sunday, May 25, 2008

Swallowtail Shawl: Blocked and Beautiful

It’s done! Although I’ve done lace before, I’d done nothing more difficult than neatly aligned yarn overs and knit 2 togethers. The Swallowtail was a challenge. I devoted many hours to knitting and unknitting.

I struggled through the three patterns, the budding lace, the nuppy lily of the valley border and the relatively easy peaked edging. After the bind off I looked at the heap of knitted yarn that was the shawl with mixed relief and dismay. This wavy, unruly thing did not look at all like the shawl I wanted to make. Had all been in vain after all? What made me think I could do this?

I knew every fiber of the yarn needed to be fully saturated if blocking were going to tame this mess. I put the unblocked shawl to soak with a little shampoo and left it in the sink and left for the hairdresser. A haircut could only help. After dinner I was ready. I squeezed out the water, stretched the damp shawl on a large towel, pinned carefully and the pattern began to pop. Success!

I should sit back, relax and enjoy the satisfaction of a challenge met. Take a walk, clean the house, read a book maybe. But there is never a time I want to knit more than I do right after one project is done. A second Swallowtail is already taking shape on my needles.


Cathy said...

Very pretty swallowtail shawl! :)

T said...

Just beautiful, I'm starting one my self this week and hope to replace the hupps with beads - I'm wondering how many beads I'll need????

Your shawl is lovely!

Tora in Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Catherine said...
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Catherine said...

If I were more alert I'm sure I could figure out a formula for how many nupps or beads. I'm just finishing my second Swallowtail and had some beads that would have been perfect but didn't know if I had enough. Rather than try to figure out a formula, I counted the nupps on my first one. In both shawls there are an extra 5 rows of budding lace for a total of 19. That meant there were 54 lily of the valley patterns, 27 on each side, with 5 nupps each, for a total of 270 nupps or beads. I didn't have enough beads so am doing nupps again - and finding that they are much easier in fine lace weight yarn.